So off down the road I make my way with approximately an hour and a half of back country road driving before I hit Interstate 65 South at Evergreen. Prayers said, it was a beautiful clean morning…everything seemed so fresh. And everything was fresh right down to the fresh smell of chicken litter. What is chicken litter you ask? Poop!...... from a chicken. In the country there are many chicken houses where they raise chickens, for the ones we eat and for the eggs too. So, with all those chickens come the poop and it smells really….well its hard to describe…I’ll just say it was fresh and bad :) Even so, driving through the country is fantastic. Then you hit the maniac interstate where its every man for himself. You have two options; Go at least the speed limit or you’ll get ran over, or fly with the best of fly is what I did. I made good time…landing in Slidell Louisiana in less than 5 hours. My flight had a lay-over there at the Hobby Lobby….swooning…oh yes….found some left over Christmas items marked to 90% off…..heck they should have just given it away…but I was proud of the fun things I found and only had to pay 10% of the price!!! Look------

...yes there was a little minor easily repairable damage.....
a couple of missing stars, no problem.
The large wooden tree trio was $17.99, I paid $1.80 and will gladly replace the stars or not.
The leaning tower of jingle bells tree was $7.99, I only paid 80 just needs a little TLC glue!
The other two trees were .40 cents and $1.30.
I can definitely see the forest through the trees here!

...and look at these goodies. The glass miniture tree topper was $2.99. I paid a mere 3o cents for it!
And it's PINK!
The rustic mini star topper was $1.99, I paid 20 cents...with pleasure :)

My total cost for all these crafty goodies was only $4.80!
Original price $47.94.
Can you say Happy with me?
I also got some beautiful material which I am going to be making a camera strap cover out of….will share that later. After boarding again with my goodies I made my way on through New Orleans….ugg! Now please tell me how you pay your respects for a funeral possession on a 4 lane interstate going through NO. Down south in Alabama we pull off on the side of the road until it passes. That was totally out of the question…don’t laugh but I almost ran over the policeman on his motorcycle when he quickly pulled over in front to of me and stopped….yes I said stopped, on the interstate, *the possession line had to change lanes*. Oh my….Thank you Lord for not letting me hit him.
It said: Here @ airport! Loves u!
Next message 5:40 saying: On plane! C ya! Loves!
Next message at 7:28: Just hit the wheels on the ground! It was amazing! I got some pics! We went over Lake Eufaula! Loves!...
*Lake Eufaula is very near our home in Alabama and this was Holly’s first flight…not Richard’s, he has his pilot’s license.* They had an hour and a half layover in Atlanta before boarding again for Miami. Freckles…the dog, woke up at 10:15...I let her outside to do her business and let her back in for a treat. By 10:25 she is looking for H&R, her mommy and daddy….she begins to whine and gets that sad look on her face…………pitiful I tell you! At 11:05 I got the final call….
"We have landed again safe and sound in Miami!" YaY!
Thank you dear Lord for hearing my prayers!
Speaking of prayers…I have a prayer request for a family in our church. Mr. Harold lost his life to cancer Sunday night, but he has not lost it away from God. He was welcomed into the kingdom with wide open arms and songs of praise, where he will live eternally in heavenly bliss. His family is left here with our comforting words and prayers of encouragement. He will be missed by many including his two daughters and their families; and a lovely wife. *Mr. Harold’s wife retired from the same place my husband works. A sweet, sweet woman of faith*Duty calls...back to the pet sitting…..I’m accustomed to the poo one cat makes…..Holly and Richard have 4…need I say more? Other than that and the sound-barrier-breaking-zoom of jets taking off at this Air station military base….All is pretty quiet and uneventful.
For those who asked and those who would have:
Speedy Southwest Spaghetti Pie
8 ounces of spaghetti…I use angel hair
½ cup milk
1 egg
one pound ground pork, I use Italian Sausages
1 med. Onion chopped
1 med. Bell pepper, chopped
1 large clove garlic, minced
1 TBS chili powder
½ tsp ground cumin
½ tsp. dried oregano
½ tsp. salt
¼ tsp black pepper
1 15-16 oz. can tomato sauce
4 oz. grated Monterey Jack Cheese, with jalapeño peppers, about 1 cup
4 oz. grated cheddar cheese, about 1 cup
Bring large pot of water to boil for pasta. Add some salt to taste. Cook according to pkg. directions or until al dente. Drain. Preheat oven to 425* Whisk together milk and egg and mix with hot pasta. Spread mixture in buttered/sprayed 9x13 baking dish. While pasta is boiling, cook pork, onion, bell pepper and garlic together in large skillet for about 6 minutes on medium. Heat until pork is cooked through. Drain off excess fat or rinse. Stir in chili powder, cumin, oregano, salt and black pepper and cook about 2 minutes. Stir in tomato sauce and cook about 2 more minutes. Spread meat sauce over pasta in baking dish. Sprinkle both cheeses evenly over the top. Bake for about 10 minutes until cheese is melted and casserole gets all bubbly . Let stand 5 minutes before cutting into squares. Serve with a salad and some homemade bread. 4-6 servings
1/6 of recipe contains:
454 calories
29 grams protein
20 grams fat
39 grams carbohydrate
850 mg sodium
111 mg cholesterol
Now didn’t you just want to know that to spoil your appetite for this. And these figures do not include the homemade bread….. Man I’m doomed.
PS...Freckles in outside laying in the warm sunshine sulking.
You must have thought you hit the lottery when you found that sale!
The drive sounds scary, imagine hitting a motorcycle cop. It would be funny if it wasn't so close for you! It sounds like the animal sitting is going well, minus the endless poop patrol!
yum for the casserole!!! thank you
hope you enjoy your visit there - well, except for poo patrol.
glad they arrived safe and sound.
Girl! you can write a post. I loved it. I have been through Alabama once. Just driving through and we ran into an accident that slowed the whole trip down and we kept getting lost. that was years ago on our way home from florida... haven't been through again.... I can imagine the poop smell... I love a drive through the country up here in mi. but those manure fields can really get to you. Love your great finds at hobby lobby.
So glad everyone made it to their destinations safely! Too bad for the poop, that could have been a nice drive. He he!
Don't you just love Hobby Lobby? Haha! I'm buying things from there on a weekly basis. Did you know that I work there? I can't remember if I told you or not. Anyway, I've been working on getting the Easter out. Love your finds! Our store had tons of stuff left over too. I bought gobs of stuff when it went 66% off, then gobs more when it went 80% off and then when it went 90% off... get this: My total would have been $208 but with my 15% employee discount and tax-- it only cost me $19!!! It still excites me when I talk about it! Lol!!
I can't wait to see the camera strap cover. I might have to make one for me.
Enjoy your week girl, spoil all those babies and yourself!
plenty of chicken houses around here too! smells like money to some...let me know how the camera straps go...
the recipe sounds yummy! and wow...hit the jackpot on all those holiday goodies! have fun with the pet sitting ;)
i recall with rather fondeness my childhood when we had a lot of chickens at home. but i do remember the smell of the poop!
Glad your safe and sound, those chicken barns, I remember the smell too. Have a relaxing week. So sorry about Mr. Harold, my prayers to the family. Have a nice time while your there. take care.
Cora, I have enjoyed visiting with you today. Everytime I come here to visit my heart gets blessed. Right now I'm thinking about what is in my heart and it is full. Thank you for the good word. Have a wonderful day! Twyla
ohhhh i'm soooo gonna make the southwest spaghetti. thanks for posting it
You always find such good deals! We have a Hobbly Lobby in Birmingham and I went the Monday after Christmas and they had NOTHING!
Glad to hear Holly made it safe and sound! Didn't know it was her 1st time flying! Hope they have a good time and you too on your semi-vacation!
your food pic is making me hungry. my dinner was not enough for me tonight!
i love after christmas shopping too! i always buy so much stuff! glad you found some great finds!
my prayers are with your friend's wife. i know that God will be with her heart.
Cora~I'm happy to see everyone made it safe and sound to your various destinations. Sunny Miami would be my preference. I'm already tired of winter and we've just begun.
How I wished we had Hobby Lobby in the PNW. I'm always seeing such great finds through bloggers that are fortunate to have the lobby close by. We have Michaels and Craft Warehouse. CW is higher end with the prices to match. It's rare, but nice when they have the occasional sale.
I have to say how adorable those kitty and pup pics are. They are really enjoying their life of leisure.
They're sure to keep you warm and toasty during your visit.
Sweet wishes,
okay, why am i a grown woman giggling, each time i read the word poo?!
pink? and do i have a hobby lobby here? hmm... i need to come down to the south.
: )
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