A little southern girl friend of mine gave me something fabulous...
The "Simply Fabulous" Award! It's from Lindsay over at Southern Cinderella. Thank you Linds :)

These are the prerequisites for the award:
~Post this award on your blog.
~Blog about a woman that you think is *fabulous* and explain why you think she rocks.
[She may be real life, celebrity or fictional]
~Pass the award on to 5 other bloggers that you think are deserving.
My fabulous woman is any woman who is whole.
A whole woman in every aspect of the word.
She is complete, unbroken, undivided, and full.
Her mind is heavy with her dreams and hopes, and is on track and willing to learn.
Her heart holds love and desires; and she is ready to share room in it for
her family and all that breaths life.
her family and all that breaths life.
Her smile is beaming with kindness and is given away in a split second.
Her eyes are set so that we can see deep down into her very soul.
Her ears are ready to listen and keep many secrets.
Her hands are talented and prepared for work; helping, creating, making, and holding.
Her arms are far-reaching and willing to embrace the moment.
Her shoulders are strong enough to bare the burdens of the whole world.
Her legs are equipped for running and walking beside her loved ones;
they are prepared to travel the distance; and even for kneeling.
Her body is predestined for the Lord’s labor of love here on this earth.
Although she may not be physically whole...
she can still do all these things and so much more.
Her capability is unlimited.
she can still do all these things and so much more.
Her capability is unlimited.
She is absolute and total.
She is without a doubt FABULOUS.
The FABULOUS bloggers *I couldn't just pick five* that I am giving this award to are:
Angie who is Grateful at Rambling from a Grateful Heart
Gwendolyn who loves Shabby Chic at A Charming Home
Sares who adores everything PINK at Loveleigh Treasures
Amy who is working on Discipline at Daily Pleasures
Caroline who is Blooming at Constantly Evolving
Char who is on a Journey at ramblins
Laura who is a Southern charmer from Texas at Cowboy Boots and Baby Booties
Jacqueline who is seeking beauty in everything at My Daily Discovery
Cindy who is embracing life at THINGS ABOUT WHO,WHAT,WHEN, WHERE AND WHY
Dani who is doing all things Together at Dani Tietz Blog
Kamana who is Believing and Balancing at Journaling Through Photos
Christina who is Sparkling at Soul Aperture
Christina who is Sparkling at Soul Aperture
Please do not feel left out~I have more awards to share!
All of you and so many more are not just Fabulous but beautiful in so many ways.
I love being a part of bloggerville with all of you.
I am a kept woman
You see, there were a few times when I thought I
Would lose my mind,
But GOD kept me sane. ~Isaiah 26:3
There were times when I thought I could not go on,
But the LORD kept me moving. ~Genesis 28:15
At times, I've wanted to lash out at those whom I
Felt had done me wrong,
But the LORD kept my mouth shut.. ~Psalm 13
Sometimes, I think the money just isn't enough,
But GOD has helped me to keep
The lights on, the water on,
The car paid, the house paid, etc.. ~Matthew 6:25 -34
When I thought I would fall, HE kept me up.
When I thought I was weak, HE kept me strong! ~I Peter 5:7 and Matthew11:28-30
I’m am kept in so many ways…
I'm blessed to be kept.

Be the kind of woman that every morning when your feet hit the floor the devil says
"Oh crap, she’s up!"
Hoping you are having a Simply Fabulous day!
Hello My Sweet Friend
What a beautiful description. And I know several of the women that you passed the award on to.
Not sure if I ever told you how much I enjoy reading you blog. It's terrific! And I do so appreciate all of your kind thoughts and comments.
Enjoy your evening!
I just love your new banner! Soooo pretty, Cora! I've been away from being too busy with work! I like the new look!!! Happy Wednesday!
Thanks Cora, that was very nice of you to think of me, I feel honored to be in such company. Thanks again. Loved the description of being a woman. take care.
thank you for honoring me. your space is always like a second home to me.
awww, thanks buddy! i will pass this on. i've had a tough day(s), and this really brighten things up for me! thank you so much!
awww cora you just made my day! (well night!) :O)
Loved the post! What an encourager you are! C
Oh my gosh!!! Thank you! xoxo I love coming here...it's such a warm welcome in my day. I am so honored.
Thank you so much Cora! What a FABULOUS award to receive! I do love all things pink! Your quotes about being kept were fantastic and those last words from the Devil had a huge grin on my face! Thanks again sweet lady and I hope the animal sitting goes well.
Yes you are fabulous!!! Congrats.
Cora, you are the sweetest thing! Thanks so much for the mention. I am truly honored!
I love the "Kept" poem. It's one of my favorites. But now I have a new favorite-- this fabulous woman poem is FABULOUS! As I'm reading throught it, it brings to mind the Proverbs 31 virteous woman that I so desire to be, yet fall short of.
Thanks for sharing of your heart and soul. You are beautiful inside and out, my dear friend! =]
thank you so much Cora...you are the one who is fabulous!
Oh thank you, my fabulous friend! you were right. i did miss this post because when i clicked on the newest one, only the post itself came up... you know what i mean.
anyway, thanks again. this is really very sweet. and a lovely end to a rather tiring day in which i have had some bad news.
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