While the beautiful plate above is empty….my plate is full. It is full of all the blessings that God has so graciously given me, it is full of being busy, and it is full and happy.
I’m busy right now packing and making homemade soup. The packing is for a trip to Louisiana to pet-sit. Yes…to pet-sit my daughter’s 5 pets.
Holly and Richard have a dog and 4 cats. They are so sweet really. See:

I’m pet-sitting while they are on a trip to West Palm Beach Florida, near Miami. I think I’m getting the short end of the stick here….
But I will help out where I’m needed. I will have lots of time *alone* to read, watch movies, sew, go to the awesome thrift store there…and just do nothing…Oh and feed the kitties and doggie, let the dog in and out, scoop poop, play with them and pet them.
The soup making….well it’s because I need to use to fresh veggies in the frig since I will be gone for over a week. So soup it is. There will be enough to tide Jackie over for a little while among other things he can eat while I’m away. To the fresh stuff like onions, bell pepper, carrots, and celery I added a few leftovers. These leftovers are suitable for soup that I freeze when I have a serving or two left from previous meals. I put them in a freezer bag marked “for soup” and there they are, ready for me later. These included chicken, turkey, peas, and rice. I also cooked three Brats that had lost their way and no one was going to eat them anytime soon. I peeled the casing off and browned the tasty meat and added my onions, peppers and celery to that and cooked it a while before adding my other ingredients along with potatoes, mixed vegetables and some jasmine rice. A little crushed basil and some Seven Pepper Seasoning topped it off. And there you have it. The smell is heavenly and the taste is awesome!!! *I had to sample it* A Gumbo of sorts! It will be so good later when Jackie comes in from the bitter cold. Now back to packing and list making so I don’t forget anything.
But before I go I want to leave a word with you….
"Thankfulness depends on what is in your heart, not what is in your hand."
~Think about that for a minute.
Most of us have no trouble finding things to complain about: slow traffic, gas is too expensive, bad weather, and high prices. Yet in every single situation, we should also be thankful for the fact that we can: drive, have a car, have a shelter to protect
us from the weather, and have the money to purchase necessary items.
~We are only human and we all complain but more than that we should be very thankful and acknowledge our Maker.
us from the weather, and have the money to purchase necessary items.
~We are only human and we all complain but more than that we should be very thankful and acknowledge our Maker.
Your circumstances may not be all that great, but wherever you are it is God's will that you give thanks in everything ~1 Thessalonians 5:18. As a Christian, it is possible because no matter what your circumstances are, you can and should always thank God.
~I thank God everyday for what I have because it is just what I need
and He has provided it.
~I thank God everyday for what I have because it is just what I need
and He has provided it.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name ~Psalm 100:4.
Thankfulness depends on what is in your heart,
not what is in your hand.
~Such a good thought to remember and consider.
I am thankful for each of you. So until we visit again,
Keeping it real…..
Thank you so much for doing everything you do for us! I know we dont say Thank You enough! We love you and always will! See you Monday!
Have fun on your trip! I always love a little getaway. Soup sounds so yummy!
What a good Mom you are, the pets sound wonderful...you will have a nice relaxing break. Your gumbo and soup sound awesome, and a great reminder that we all are so lucky. take care.
Such a beautiful reminder...and those cats are adorable!
your food sounds delicious! cora, thank you for your wise words. as i read your post...it comforted me. lately, i have been having that overwhelming feeling. but, i must remember to put God first and be grateful! thank you for this reminder. you are a wonderful friend cora and i am so glad that i found you.
have fun pet sitting.
i try to remember to be thankful everyday. thank you for the reminder.
Soup is my favorite cold weather meal! I especially love the ones that use up the remnants of other meals...very thrifty and delicious!
Have a wonderful time in Louisiana! I miss Baton Rouge, especially this time of year when I'm freezing in Ohio!
travel safely...and have fun. nice to be "alone"! thanks for your thoughtful words, i don't think i feel up to dressing for church, but now i can meditate on your thankfulness post.
Your posts are always so encouraging. Thank you.
Have a great time pet-sitting! I hope you find some good finds at the thrift stores! I have a surprise for you at my blog!
I love the picture of the vintage plate. So pretty! I can never pass these up with I see them at garage sales, especially so cheap. Now when I bake cookies for someone or take some to a get-together, I put them on one of these plates and leave it for the hostess.
Thank you for the thankfulness reminder! I don't know why sometimes it's so hard to remember that!
Enjoy your trip... I hope that doesn't mean you'll be away from your blog for a whole week!?!
Have fun!! Love the image of the plate- so soft and shabby :)
aren't they just adorable!
have a safe trip. i miss ya already.
thankfulness... i am thankful for so much.
love the thankfulness quote and SO true!
ps: ya know brats are a wi thing! lol
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