What do rubber ducks, sock monkeys and breast pumps have in common? A Baby Shower! Little yellow ducks floating in blue punch, monkeys on the table and of course every new mother who plans to breast feed needs a good breast pump! With a pastel blue and brown theme including polka dots and lots of little boy things, this baby shower proved to be cute, cute, cute…..*even though I do say so myself*.
It was a get together to welcome baby Evan who is soon to arrive in late October.
the "Nana-to-be"!
Grand Central, a Gathering Place in Downtown Ozark, AL
Family and good friends gathered with the teddy bears, monkeys, bats and balls, toy trucks and wagons. *I would like to think they came just for the food but that would be carrying it a bit too far.*

The new mother-to-be, Miranda, received many wonderful gifts for her new baby boy…..everything from Roll Tide Alabama Football paraphernalia, camouflage, cowboy and cutesy baby boy things. Boy have things changed over the years.....now they make baby tubs with temperature gauges built right in them and little seats called Bumbos…too cute, now who was the genius who thought of this? So many gifts were given to welcome Evan that his parents should not have to purchase anything themselves except more diapers, diapers, and more diapers….......................................................
Now for the high tech, modern way to express breast milk for your new baby; how did I ever get along without one of things contraptions? An electric booby guillotine, if you will, to make your breast feeding life more tolerable…..well let me tell you….tolerable it is NOT 100% of the time, however I do recommend it 100%. Back in my day of new motherhood, I only had a manual hand held pump…and of course it did NOT work. I’m sure this new fangled, state-of-the-art, high def, automatic sucking machine works far better than the one I was subjected to back in the 80’s. We’ve come a long way baby! And to make your motherhood more comfortable get you a generous supply of Nipple Nurture Butter….no kidding!
The Poop Powder Pockets were a hit with everyone as well as the Sand Tarts and my chicken salad. See previous posts for cookie recipe and the how-to for the Poop Powder Pockets.
Baby Shower fun........
*we did provide chairs for them to sit in...really we did*
While I’m glad this event is over and I can now make my bed which had not been made in three days straight due to being so busy cooking, preparing and decorating. It was well worth the efforts by all.
Me, Christie, Miranda and Mary
Hard to tell which one is expecting because she doesn't look pregnant!
Thank you Mary and Christie for helping me with this flawless event
for Jason, Miranda and Evan; it was truly a success.
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward."
The fruit of the womb is a reward."
Psalm 127:3 NKJV
There are two ways to live your life.
Momma this turned out beautiful! Yall did such a great job! Hope one day mine will be just as pretty! loves!
Too cute Cora. You really outdid yourself for the shower. I had a great time planning with you!
i must go in with you & agree!! ...it was absolutely precious, couldn't have gone any better & i appreciate it all greatly!!
Sooooo cute !!!!
Nanci L.
You take great photos (I know you know that), but you didn't need to put me on the blog!!!!, but it is another good photo!
Miranda looks so great, it is just amazing. I know she received a lot of great things, I really HATE that I could not stay longer.
Wow, Cora you've been busy! Looks like a wonderful time was had by all. Just love the rubber duckies in the punch bowl - very cute!
For those of you that have children, you know when someone does something wonderful for them they have made a friend for life! I could never thank Cora, Mary and Christie enough for all their hard work....but thank you from the bottom of my heart! And for anyone that does not have a "bestest" friend in the whole world...I am sorry because you are missing out on one of God's greatest gifts.....Cora you are my forever bestest friend and I love you! I can't wait to return the favor one day!
what a wonderful shower!! I know she was over the moon with all the decorations, food and presents - how very blessed.
she is just beautiful and glowing! and the food looks yummy.
: )
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