My sweet inspirational friend
Christina caught my appetite with her mouth watering blueberry muffin photos in one of her posts so…..I had to make some of my own. I used fresh blueberries from this summer which I had frozen whole…they worked really well.
I went to an estate sale one Saturday, held by the family of a very sweet woman who went to our church...Mrs. Frost; her husband’s name was Jack…really! She had an enormous collection of books and magazines….old Life magazines…they were so cool. I picked up these two wonderful vintage children’s books, both for 75 cents:
Filled with stories and poems by Robert Browning, John Keats, and Rudyard Kipling.
The Grimms' Fairy Tales. Andersen's Fairy Tales.
Jonathan Swift and Charles Dickens.
W.B. Yeats and Hans Anderson
Don’t you just love the old vintage graphics.
~Click on pix to enlarge~
Upon opening one of them, I found these pressed rose petals between the pages
…if only they could tell me the stories of her life.
Love this embossed rabbit on the red cover of The Children's Wonder Book
Sunday morning began with my husband going to WalMart in an attempt to retrieve his Mama’s walking stick which she had left in the buggy
(yes I call it a buggy) the afternoon before….He was gone for a good while so I give him a quick call--he found the stick and has taken it to his Mama. When he returns home I’m sitting there eating a bowl of cereal…I wondered why he didn’t want anything for breakfast only to find out later that he had picked up biscuits and gravy for him and his mama after he found the walking stick and filled up on them during his visit with her.
Somehow that cereal just was not doing the trick for me then… *sulking*
A word for you today~Sharing a Sermon
Breaking down John 3:16-17
The Five Facts
As you probably already know, the verse John 3:16 is the most well known verse in the Bible. If not familiar with it, here are Christ’s words:
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. 17~
For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him.
The Fact=God Loved (the whole world)
The Evidence= God Gave (his son)
The Purpose= To Save All of Us (with the condition of belief)
The Proof= God Sent His Son (to earth in human form)
The Means= All Through Him (and only through Him)
A simple and easy way of understanding these verses even more.
God is so Good!
I'm not stay with me now...for a little humor...
Yesterday at church was our time for observing the last supper. We symbolize the Last Supper…the breaking of the bread and drinking of the wine. For the bread
(Christ’s body) we use a very small flat cracker and for the wine
(blood of Christ) we use grape juice. Now I know this is a very serious and respectful time and I am so there until the cracker which I had been twisting between my finger and thumb, starts to crumble…I gather the crumbs into the palm of my hand
(smiling to myself) so that I will have something to eat at the proper time. I glance over to the man sitting right down from me and he has dropped his on the floor…reaching over to retrieve it,
(5 second rule applies in church too) slightly bumping his head on the pew in front of him, we make eye contact….and I get tickled. He sees me laughing and begins to laugh too
(it is so hard to laugh silently while your body is jiggling). I don’t dare look at him again. Come to find out he had been twisting his between his fingers too! Thank goodness I did not spill the grape juice on me!! I would have had to leave the room after I picked myself up off the floor from laughing. Right prior to this I feel a hunger pain beginning to form and I pray my stomach does not growl so loudly that the people sitting near me will hear it.
Just think….if I had had one of those biscuits with that wonderful white peppered sausage gravy on it…I would not have had this problem. But nooooooooooo….I had cereal! The small cracker and grape juice just made it worse. God has a sense of humor too and I love that!
A friend asked me if I was OK today…well maybe today but yesterday I’m not really sure about …I not only forgot to take my Bible to church (which I never forget) I forgot to put on my deodorant…OMGosh…I checked myself and it was OK…whew…good soap is always a plus!! Man what a day!
We are planning a trip which involves a boat, some rods and reels and I’m in hopes of that BIG fish which is on my bucket list. This trip also will be special because it will be to Louisiana where our daughter is!! Yep, we are going to see Holly and Richard and we will all be going out to the mouth of the Mississippi where it meets the ocean for some red fishing. I can’t wait and I pray it does not rain us out. For those of you wondering about the oil spill...they have lifted the fishing restrictions. I’m also ready for some more Cajun seafood…the kind you eat with your fingers and get messy!
All kidding aside, I am really glad my husband had breakfast with his Mama
…he should do it more often.
What I’m likin’ today~
A cloudy not-so-hot day
The hum of the ceiling fan overhead
Talking to Holly
Burritos for supper tonight and you know they are homemade
Friends that share
Learned lessons
Working out the plans
My rat tattered Bible
Source of the Five Facts: Brother Bill Hart’s sermon