Friday, July 30, 2010

This and That with Some Rules

This is a day for sharing…

A cookbook that I got for my birthday…one that I had been wanting~
Homecooking with Trisha Yearwood.
I also have her first cookbook Georgia Cooking in an Oklahoma Kitchen.
I love them both.

Some beautiful earrings with that antique look that I like.
From Hissyfits Boutique

An awesome Scentsy wax warmer
Jadestone with Sticky Cinnamon Bun, Baked Apple Pie, and Sugar Cookie wax squares….Yum! Makes me hungry.
So now I’ll have to get out that cookbook and flip through all the
wonderful pages with photos and stories to find something to cook.

Baked Spaghetti...Crockpot Candy...Don't they look and sound good?

Low-Country Boil and Key Lime of my faves!
I want to bake something with walnuts and orange cranberries…

Now for some rules...

This is one of the crafty things I have done several of.

Family Rules

These are for sale by custom order with you listing the rules you want. $35.00 plus some shipping. Trays vary in style and design. Please be sure to list your own rules when ordering, if desired.  Each tray should hold 8-10 rules. Please keep them short~ If no rules are listed I will choose for you. Please contact me by email if you have any questions:  Allow 3 weeks to custom complete your order. Simply click on the buy it now button below to place your order. Thank you!

What I’m likin’ today~

Roasted Garlic Hummus with pita chips

Pink Lemonade

Piano music~

The 12 Shiny Brights I found in the original box at the thrift store for 99 cents

Clear thoughts

Clean sheets that I just took out of the dryer

Hummingbirds at my window


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Deep Thoughts

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all the wonderful Birthday wishes. It was a great day. You all made it extra special with your visit. The rest of my week proved to be rather glum and miserable. It was down right crappy! Death crept into my week like a big black blanket covering those things bright and happy, even though the sun was still shining. While death is a part of living, it is most definitely inevitable and cannot be avoided. It is much harder to deal with than most other experiences.

Death. Death is among us. Death takes life from us leaving us with questions, thoughts, pain, and a sense of defeat.

~Losing a special mentor in Christ is hard; A man who taught us much; Someone who led us down that path where we found Jesus. The man who baptized us in the cleansing waters of redemption. The man who ministered to us in the direction of dedicating our child to a home built around a loving God. The man who spoke meaningful words as we laid a beloved family member in peaceful sleep as he was carried away on angel's wings. The man who preformed a beautiful ceremony in the presence of the Lord where our daughter was married to the love of her life. The man who was there…always there when someone needed him. He was the man who will be remembered for many things; many acts of kindness, inspirational words spoken through Christ; prayers…many many prayers which were lifted up to the heavens. His legacy is great.

~Losing a friend is hard yet…A family friend. A fellow hunter, builder of beautiful custom homes in our area, a man who always wore a jolly laughing smile, a brother to 3, a daddy to 2, a papa to 1 and a husband. His parents buried him. He did not get to grow old. Standing in a long line for hours to pay respects illustrates a man’s life, how well he was known, respected, and loved. His legacy is great.

Last week-Tears were shed, hearts were broken, plans were changed, life was cheated, food was spread, and people gathered in love with hugs…many many hugs… Mementos and photos were shared, representing the trades and talents of how their life was spent, of family, and of good times. People needing people.
Bear ye one another's burdens…
Galatians 6:2

Life goes on…for those of us left here…as we recover, reminisce, cherish, bereave, and go on without those special people. We try to memorize their smile, their expressions, their laughter and their voice. A legacy is what we are left with.

Yet I wonder about myself~What will be my mementos spread out for friends to see? My camera, my art work, my scrapbooks, and photographs….thousands of photos? My bible with all its scribblings, tattered and torn? What will people remember when they think of me? Death is so unexpected and mysterious. It comes like a thief in the night, stealing and robbing us. There are questions without answers. Questions about our current daily lives…Is our job on earth being done well? Is our purpose being fulfilled? Am I serving the way I should….can I do things better? What will I be remembered for? What did I do that people will think back on and smile? Will they remember good times, good laughs, tender moments, quiet times, joyous occasions, or the simple things I did or said? What will be my legacy? But no matter my legacy…my destination is Heaven.
I know without a shadow of doubt that I am going to Heaven and it is going to piss the devil off when I die…But I’m good with that. I love disappointing the devil, for it is not him that I live for. I hope you will disappoint the devil too.

Sometimes things don't work out quite the way
that you wanted them to
Sometimes people don't do all the things
that you wanted them to
There are times when
the answers aren't easy to see
Sometimes we're on a road
going back to a place we never wanted to be

Well that's alright
I'm just fine. Done made up my mind
that I'm livin for Jesus

When I'm alone and feeling down
Now, down so deep in my heart
I turn to Jesus and ask Him
for a brand new start
He's the reason for my life
being something better and new
And now I've finally found a love
that is proven tried and true.

Third Day “Living for Jesus” lyrics

…if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames,
but have not love, I gain nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:2-3

In other words my life is pointless without the
showing and giving of love, one for another.

Fear knocked at the door.
Faith answered.
And lo, no one was there.

I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed happy week!
Gloom and glum be gone!  =)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Poor Rich Life

On this day in the late 1900’s, umpteen years ago, I came into the world kicking and screaming, weighing in at just over 6 pounds, with a steady weigh gain ever since. The head full of black hair was soon replaced with blonde by growing out, not falling out. I looked like I had been dipped. I grew up poor *insert the sound of screeching tires here* My definition (then) of 'poor' and the reality of poor are two different things. Poor is having nothing and lacking everything. Poor by definition is~ Deprived Underprivileged Needy Disfavored Weak Inadequate Meager Inferior Mediocre.

I came to realize that I had everything I needed and wanted…and then some. Self reflection is good for shaking you into knowing the truth. Here are some truths: I was drugged as a child on a daily basis…drug to church, drug everywhere my Mama went, drug to the pea patch or corn field, and drug to the grandparents every other weekend. The grandparents live in a palace (mini country farm) where the pillows were filled with authentic down feathers (straight from the chicken’s butt) *insert sneeze here* This princess was allergic! The meats were all freshly butchered (in the country kitchen, by Grannie, including that chicken). The veggies were all natural, organic, handpicked, selected and shelled (by everyone and anyone that ate). There were acres and acres to roam and explore, from wide open fields (working fields of corn and cotton) to the lush shady woods with rippling streams (roamed by foot, no quarter horses to ride). Just up the street (dirt road) was the Methodist church, where we all attended on Sunday if we stayed over night at Grannie and Granddaddy’s. The church was old so the air conditioner (opened windows) didn’t work real well, so the fans (paper ones from the funeral home) were held and waved by hand. The singing was good and the little Sunday school room smelled of crayons. If I close my eyes I can still hear Grannie’s voice singing and smell that smell……

Growing up I only wore designer clothes, all custom made (by my Mama on her Singer ZigZag) There were three of us children, the average middle class American family…. a sister and a brother, and I was caught in the middle…The dreaded middle child...always in the middle of everything. I was always into whatever my Daddy was doing. Yep I was a TomBoy…romped and played with all the boys in the neighborhood. The TomBoy phase lasted until I discovered that boys were cute…well some of them anyway.

When I was young we had our own gym…(a gym set, swings with a sliding board), in the back yard. We also had professional driving lessons the back yard too…(self taught by going round and round in a dune buggy made by my Daddy). Our swimming pool (a large foot tub and a water hose) kept us cool in the hot summers. We were scientist who invented and used our imagination to its fullest (mostly dreaming of the what ifs).

 We were doctors, poking and prodding; lawyers dictating lots of rules and defending the helpless; and we were even the occasional Indian chief who made sure the rules were followed. Barbie was my best friend and Davy Jones was my idol. 
We each had a good education for as many years as we cared to pursue…our minds were expanded and talents were utilized and built upon. I could do or be anything I wanted to be. And what I wanted to be was an artist…to create, paint, draw, and photograph. What I became was a wife with a job in a bank, a Mama to Holly years later, a Baptist, and an artist too; by her own right and God given talent… talents pursued not by profession or job but by pleasure, desire, and choice.

These were all my choices. You see, life is as luxurious and rich as you believe it to be. One person’s richness is to another considered a poor life. I am blessed with the richness of a Mama and Daddy that are still living and still married to each other and to have had grandparents that I looked up to, who loved and adored us. We were taught values and morals, given responsibilities (chores) and an allowance (a very small amount of $ with certain privileges). I am blessed to have a husband, the only one I’ve ever had, a beautiful daughter, wonderful family on both sides, and lots and lots of great friends. Rich by definition is ~ Prosperous Full Plentiful Stuffed (I love that one) Valuable Sweet Fertile Productive Fruitful Strong Opulent Precious Abounding
….So you see…Rich describes my life...My life as I know and love it,
from the day I was born and born again until today…My Birthday!

I have been blessed more than I deserve. I’m thankful for actually having another birthday; for friends that share my birthday; and for all the small things today. We all have our special day…so…Happy Birthday to you too.

I made myself a Birthday Pie...a Blueberry Birthday Pie!


Janan I will share the recipe with you is easy!
Happy Birthday Christina and Kim =)
After thought~ Grannie always called me on my Birthday and sang to me~
I miss that.....

Friday, July 16, 2010

A Pickle Party…

Of Pickles and Parties

There are pickles. There are birthdays. There are parties.
There is happiness. There are friends all around. Let’s Celebrate.

Before I can go to Christina’s Birthday Party I have to finish my own little Pickle Party.

My bounty has been plentiful….overflowing in abundance.
The last batch was sweet, like my birthday friends and this batch is kosher…again just like my friends~ acceptable, genuine, authentic, true, the real thing, and sweet like sugar.
There is lots of celebrating going on here and there.

Happy Birthday Char and Christina and many other friends who celebrate in July!
Today is also my SIL's Birthday...Happy Birthday Helen!
Come celebrate with me too….next Tuesday!
We age not only in wonderful years with great memories,
but with grace, dignity, and many privileges; one of those being able to blog.
We celebrate life together. A memory made with each post. We


have a good time


enjoy ourselves



My bestie always kids me that I am older than her…hahaha but she soon catches up with me in September. I say I’m six weeks wiser than her! She is pretty kosher herself.

My zinnias aged well this year and now it is time for them to
leave me some seeds for next year.

Jackie and I have been to the blueberry patch….so beautiful…big, plump and sweet, by the tons. We stopped at 10 pounds. I feel pie baking is in order…..

I hear popping in the kitchen as my jars are sealing…… I’ll be with you again soon,
until then Best Wishes and Much Happiness...

Happy Celebrating. Happy Weekend. Happy Living. Happy Day.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I Love It When…

Huckleberry Blues
China & Berries 
Blue Tea

I love it

When Jackie brings home a surprise…free blueberries

When I hear my favorite song

When my check book balances to the penny…the first time

When Holly is here

When I find fresh cherries for $1.50 a pound

When a friend shares the same birthday with me

When my day is a good day…a blessed day

When I can share my veggies with someone

When I can talk to God…knowing that He is listening to every word ~Psalms 86:6-7

When I can spend time with a friend doing something we love

When a plan comes together

When it rains, but not on my parade

When I learn ~Proverbs 4:2 

When I see things happening for a good reason

When I can take a picture that lasts forever

When we get in the car and just ride…destination unknown

When I make someone smile

I love it when you visit here each and every time.
July is my blogging anniversary of 1 full year and
I have found so many wonderful new friends here.
I stand amazed!
Thank you!

Live each day of your life by receiving God's strength
and walking in His grace and mercy.

Monday, July 5, 2010

We Went Junking

Summer Zinnia
"Summer Zinnia"
Yep…Me and the bestie! We made a whole day of it…an adventurous road trip. We set out on a mission to the Santuck Flea Market in Wetumpka, Al.  It was huge, but much to our disappointment it was not the type of flea market we were looking for. No old junk!!!! It was mostly cheap new stuff from China in boxes…anything from hand tools, rope, and plastic jewelry to bras. Yes I said bras…tons of them, new in clear packages! I found myself more interested in the baby goats, rabbits, ducks, chicks, and pot belly pigs!
They were too cute!
After walking around in the heat and sun for a good while and not buying one single thing, we decided to leave. After lunch we had a conversation with “Surely”…Becky’s GPS…asking her where thrift stores and such were in the area. Bingo! Wetumpka Flea Market was in the direction we were headed. It’s a large-inside-air-conditioned-flea-market! I was in heaven. Booth after booth of glorious junk! After making purchases of clamp lid glass jelly jars, books, old tins, and various other cool items, we were on our way to the next destination…Eastbrook Antiques and Flea Market. Now this place is huge and pricey!! Three levels of great shopping but our momentum was wearing down fast. With the purchase of only two items, an old Dr. Seuss book and a vintage syrup dispenser, we headed off again. This time it was a thrift store….found more small clamp lid jelly jars and books. They had an old Brownie movie camera that was in very good condition and actually worked, that I really would have loved to add to my collection, but I just could not bring myself to pay the $35.00 for it! My loss!
The next place on our list was closing in 10 minutes so we didn’t even go inside. But it’s on the list for next time! After a nice supper in Montgomery, we headed south again toward home, chatting all the way. All in all it was a fun day…
Of course a day spent with a friend is always good!

Last night I purchased these on E-Bay!
They are so stinking retro cute! I love them. I think I was obsessed with jelly this weekend!
Now if I could just find some jelly spoons…
We are having our 4th of July celebration today. My parents are coming over and the 4 of us will be doing the grilling thing…baby backs, chicken, seasoned potato halves, and corn all cooked on the grill. Cucumber salad, peas, and fresh slices of red tomatoes are among the extras with the red white and blue dessert to top it all off!

Holly and Richard are celebrating today since he had to be on duty all weekend! We are together in spirit though many miles separate us on this wonderful holiday.

Sweet Summertime
I hope each and everyone of you had a blessed weekend! 

Friday, July 2, 2010

To The Red White and Blue

~ Freedom lies in being bold.~
Robert Frost

The 4th Watermelon
 Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men
and so it must be daily earned and refreshed
- else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die.
~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

~ Freedom is never free. ~

Cherries and Stars

 The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.
 ~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy

 And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you
 -- ask what you can do for your country.
~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy

~Going to be making this for the weekend~

Red White and Blue Dessert for the 4th of July
Super Easy Fruit Parfait

4 C Strawberries, washed and sliced
4 C Blueberries, washed
1 White Cake Mix, baked and sliced into 1" cubes
and some cut with a star cookie cutter for garnish
2 Containers Cool whip, defrosted
In a clear glass container large enough to hold 12 cups volume; layer strawberries, blueberries, cake, and cool whip in 1 inch layers. Garnish as desired.
Refrigerate until serving.
I found some star shaped marshmallows at Wally World in red white and blue colors that will look really cute in this recipe too.

I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free...
and other people would be also free.
~ Rosa Parks

Have a blessed and safe holiday weekend! 

Credits for graphics~Photobucket