Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thoughts for the week...

The Thankful Path
There under the "thought for the week" in our church bulletin were some words about being thankful and giving thanks…quite appropriate for the Sunday before Thanksgiving. It went something like this…or rather this is my version:

It is not what a person has or does that makes him great…it is what he’s thankful for and how his relationship is with God. These show the nobler side of one's soul. Thanks are justly due for favors and blessings bestowed. The person who feels no compulsion to say thank you for the courtesies, blessings and considerations given to him is unworthy to receive more. If you have been blessed…give thanks to the Father above. When life is good…give thanks; or it is not…give thanks that you still have a life, which gives you another chance.

As we walk down the path that leads us through life, let us express our gratitude to God, the giver of every good and perfect gift. Count your blessings; name them one by one…for when we reach the other side of the mountain our greatest reward will be in Heaven.

21/30 Today I am grateful that I am grateful…being able to give thanks and realize where these gifts and blessings abound from.

We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks;
Your name is near.
People tell of your wondrous deeds.
Psalm 75:1 NRSV

I hope you have a blessed filled week!


  1. YOu are a blessing to me, miss Cora!
    I adore this photo! Tell me plz where it was taken? LOVE it! Looks like the road to heaven!

  2. I think that is all so true..thanks for sharing that and have a great Thanksgiving my friend! ;D


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