Saturday, November 20, 2010

When life gives you lemons…

When Life Gives You Lemons...

When someone makes fun of me, I laugh at their ignorance of not really knowing me.
When my plans don’t go the way I want them, I thank God for His will and His plan, after all they’re His lemons.
When my heart gets tart and bitter…I add sugar…pink sparkly sugar…it makes it pretty again.
When the cut burns, I soothe it with a sweet kiss and a band-aid.
When someone looks as if they have been crapped on…I give them a warm smile from my heart.
When life gets dull…I sharpen it with a little spicy squirt!
When my get-up-and-go gets sour, I punch it in the face.

If the ocean was sugar water, I would squeeze lemons in it.
If life were easy I would never know the need to sweeten it.

So when life throws lemons your way; squeeze, sweeten, ice, and enjoy…

Make Lemonade!
And on your second glass, top it off with a sweet cherry!

20/30 Today I am grateful for the lemons in my life and
being able to make sweet lemonade from them.

Keep life simple and sweet…Eat lemon cookies and drink pink lemonade.

The 20th day of 30 days of Gratitude!


  1. or lemon pancakes. Thats what I had for breakfast!!!!

  2. That second bit - God and His plans - that's what it's really about, isn't it?

    xo Erin

  3. What a pretty picture of the bright lemons in the pretty white
    bowl..I like the hit the nail right on the head friend. I like that "they are all God's lemons anyway" had never thought of it that way before, and it helps
    the sourness of the world. Thank you for sharing this lovely post.

  4. I love lemons! And am so grateful that sometimes life didn't go the way I planned it! God knew better.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Cora!

  5. i so agree!!! make the best of it is just to short not to do that.

  6. Life is all about the lemons. They give the opportunities to point others to Jesus and grow. Beautifully said Cora!

  7. I would love to buy a cup of your lemonade. Cora. It tastes wonderful. What lovely thoughts!

  8. I added your blog to "my favorite" list...I just love stopping by. I though I was already "following" your blog...I am now! :)

  9. I love this post. I have grown to believe that all the tough times have made me the person I am today.

    Right now I needed this post to remind me.
    Thank you

  10. PS May I use the sentence "If life were easy I would never know the need to sweeten it." on my blog. It's wonderful!

  11. I am with you girlfriend, to many glasses of lemonade. hugs.


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