Monday, November 22, 2010

Is Looking Really Seeing?

My View

This is the view outside my bathroom window…an ever changing scene of beauty.

Our view of the world is very important…how we see things through our very own eyes determine how we react to what is being seen. We have all heard the phrase “I came in on the tail end of the conversation”. Only receiving part of the discussion can be misleading and confusing; as with seeing a situation and coming to a wrong conclusion about what we are seeing; or worse yet, not really seeing when we are looking. Perception of our view is important…do we only see what we want to see, blocking out the true beauty, the inner beauty? Have you ever been so deep in thought…staring out into space…that you really were not seeing anything? There is so much to see in this world, so much unnoticed splendor. We do not take the time and effort to truly see what is all around us, right in front of our eyes.

As we go through this week where we become a little more aware of our blessings, let us stop and smell the roses so to speak…let us look, see, perceive, take notice, and comprehend what is right there before our very eyes.

  watch love grow
 see warmth in a heartfelt smile on a happy face
 observe tenderness in someone’s voice
 picture affection in another person’s eyes
 take notice of God’s magnificent works of art
 actually see the inner beauty of one’s soul

22/30 Today I am grateful for the views in my life.
I want to see them for what they truly are… and recognize the beauty.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Holly, Richard, and their fur babies are on their way from New Orleans!! YaY! :)


  1. That is a gorgeous view out your window! I love to see things deeply, I have always been a day dreamer I guess but I love it :D

  2. Gorgeous view.

    Beautiful thought.

    Priceless words.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Love, Rebecca

  3. what wonderful advice! and a beautiful shot.

  4. Inspiring words; thanks for reminding us...beautiful shot of the trees...

    Happy Thanksgiving

  5. I am often so lost in my own thoughts that I don't see or even hear something! I guess we all do that and sometimes being lost in your thoughts is ok. One of the wonderful things about this holiday is that it reminds us to take a look at all our blessings and the beauty around us. Happy Thanksgiving Cora!

  6. it's really all about being present...literally being present. in the moment.
    blessed thanksgiving to you cora...

  7. Cora, what beautiful words, thank you! Happy Thanksgiving, Jane


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