Comfort is good…it is safe. Reassuring.
The lion passed on by ~ followed by the gentle lamb.
The Easter season is approaching…a season that I love because of it’s promises. Promises of hope, forgiveness, and eternity… More reassuring comfort for us where we can find peace and joy.
I find a certain peacefulness while in my veggie garden…in the mornings while it is still cool, the birds are singing, the sun is peeping around through the trees bringing forth a new day. The dew is still lingering on the plants. Cute little green lizards are catching bugs to eat. Ladybugs are climbing high on the stems of the peas in search of the blooms. Bees are buzzing their gossip. Life is good.
I picked my first English peas this morning…YaY! So excited!
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Fresh Pick of the Day! |
I’m working on a little project for Holly…so I cannot share it with you yet. It’s a secret…something for her new house in Jacksonville! Shhhh…don’t tell! It involves paint, wood, wire, and a ribbon. Lots of pretty bright colors.
It really feels good to hold an artist brush in my hands again! Swirling colors together, matching them together in the design…I love being creative. I can’t wait to see the finished project and see her face when I give it to her!
I'm also working on an antique mirror for a shabby look…here are the beginnings…
A large solid oak frame with beveled edge mirror…a steal for $2.98 at the thrift store in Tillman’s Corner, west of Mobile, Al. I’m going to give it that shabby look and put some fancy hooks from Hobby Lobby where I had to fill the 4 holes on each side.
We are expecting storms tonight…I pray they be gentle and kind to us. Holly and her husband Richard experienced a rather scary tornado storm as it passed through the New Orleans area last week…you may have seen the aftermath of damages and flooding on the national news. At a friends house where they were visiting, they stood and watched black “boiling” clouds as they passed over, dumping golf ball size hail everywhere, including on Holly’s car which would have been under a parking shelter had they not been where they were. Oh the luck! 13 good sized dents not including those on the roof which were too numerous to count. They had just made the final payment on the Murano in December, paying for it in only 4 years…I was so proud of them! BUT…most importantly…they were safe and unharmed when the tornado touched near the WalMart where they shop. Thank you Lord!
Please spare us tonight from bad weather although we need the sweet rain!
Going now to put some clothes in the dryer. listen to it tumble,
and dip my brush in some paint after I eat that salad!
and dip my brush in some paint after I eat that salad!
I want to see that surprise too1 I loved the title here and those peas..Oh my, my mouth is dieing for peas from the garden. We don't even plant yet..enjoy! ;D
There is nothing better than peas fresh from the garden. Our girls used to stand in the garden and just eat them by the handful:>) Hoping you only get April showers tonight....
Cora I feel like our lives are running parallel right now. LOL! I love to paint and be creative too. Oh and your peas look super! I hope ours do as well.
Can't wait to see what you're making. I'm sure it will be fabulous!
Why can't people like you be my neighbor? LOL!
Have a great day.
Oh the beautiful bounty from your garden, lucky you! I am planning on starting my peas today, we have had a very long winter here in Connecticut.
Thank God no one was hurt in the tornado! Scary stuff!
Enjoy your salad, can't wait to see your projects
Hi Cora
I love the way that you write! It just paints a vivid picture in my mind!
Enjoy your sweet bounty!
great to see your garden Cora! our peas are just breaking ground
Lucky you to have peas! We had snow today!
What wonderful produce...enjoy letting your creative juices flow with your brushes. The mirror will be fun.
Cora,, God has definatley blessed you with a creative spirit..
cant wait to see the project you are working on now..
Happy Painting and creating..
April's warmth has yet to make an appearance here. I's been so wet and cold. The sun is peaking out today so I have hope!
Your vintage mirror was a great find! I have 2 old mirrors I need to add some paint to. Then I need to decide which one I want to keep!
Thank goodness your daughter and her husband are safe. Mother Nature can sure pack a punch. Tornados are so scary. I an thankful we don't get many here.Just a few small funnel clouds here and there that do little damage.
I hope you have a beautiful day and enjoy your garden, I envy all your fresh veggies!
I am so glad that Holly and Richard are okay. You know the best gifts are the homemade ones. I am amazed at how far ahead your spring is. The vegetables sounded just lovely. I have to say that I can almost taste them. Glad you are able to paint and have fun doing it. I find it so relaxing. Take care my sweet friend.
everytime i visit you here, i long for a big garden to grow my own veg!
new to your blog -- love what I read here -- I'll be back..
Right now I feel I could stay here forever. LOVE the music, loved reading your post and the picture. . . .!!!!! Just too beautiful! I love the early mornings, too. It seems that things just grow though the night, and the birds are so chirpy in the morning. LOVE that mirror!!! Can't wait to see what you have in store for it. And with all that paint, paint brushes, etc.,. . . I can't wait to see the surprise either!!!! I'll be checking back to see what it is!
Hi Cora! You won my giveaway! Yay for you. Let me know your mailing address and I will get it out to you real soon!
Sincerely, Trish
I always love my vists here. The make me smile and wish you were my next door neighbor.
hello sweetie - so glad to catch up with you. it feels like home.
of course it is.
i'm glad everyone i know was safe in that storm. it was a doozy. now again this monday? i hope not.
those peas look so divine.
Yum! The fresh picked peas and lettuce, salad and sandwich... it all looks and sounds delicious.
Have you given Holly her surprise yet?? I can't wait to see it! The awesome thrift store mirror for 3 bucks is going to be beautiful when you are finished with it! Can't wait to see it either! I delight greatly in holding those brushes in my hand. It's so calming to create!
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