Monday, May 21, 2012

Gosh Where Do I Begin?

  I have been away so long and have been so busy with the painting of door hangers that I have neglected my blog!!  I have missed the interaction with you all but there are only some many hours in the day! 

 First I must catch you up and thank those of you who emailed to check on me….that meant a lot….more than you know! 
We are over the moon happy to tell you that our
daughter Holly is pregnant again. 

It has been an emotional roller-coaster to say the least after what happened last fall.  Tears of joy and fear, confusion, questions, giddiness and bittersweet memories have overcome us all.  Holly is now 27 weeks and she and baby Isabella are doing very well.  Doctors are keeping a very close eye on them both since Holly is considered “high risk”.  Isabella should make her Grand appearance sometime in August!
God has blessed us yet again.
 During the past couple of months Holly and her Coast Guard husband Richard have purchased their own home in Florida.  A very large home if you ask me….5 bedrooms…oh my!  We have been painting, walls, base boards, and doors in every part of the 5 year old house.  Yeah….I know what you are thinking…it was not bad colors….it was abuse to a beautiful home!  But that’s a long story for another day!  They are in the process of packing and moving as I type this.  Their 5th move in 5 years!!! 
 I will be returning to Florida again soon to help finish up Isabella’s nursery….it’s going to be so cute.  It will include some of my artistic craftiness of course.  I’m hoping to share some photos later on.
 We are also planning a baby shower for June….so I hope to share photos of all the pink cuteness!!
 I could go on and on with news….. such as 32 years of marriage for me and Jackie,  trying to build up a place to work my crafts and buy a new piece for cutting wood…..but I will spare you all that…or maybe save it for later.  My next post will involve another review for Gooseberry Patch Cookbooks so be on the lookout for that because it will include a nice give-away!!

Gosh it’s nice to be back…..I hope I don’t stay away so long again. Take care!

Footnotes:  You can see all my door hangers on my FaceBook page here:
 The Painted Place.  Please "like" my page if you will!! :)


  1. Yay!!!! Congratulations to you and your whole family!!!Looking forward to all that pink! What a blessing for today.

  2. Sweet Cora~ Sometimes life gets the best of us,so glad to hear for the good this time.Will keep your daughter and Isabella in prayer.Congrats grandma (maybe someday all 5 bedrooms will be Warm Blessings!~Amy

  3. Yea! So happy you are back and thrilled with your wonderful news! God's rich blessings on all of you!

  4. Cora, was thinking of you while on vacation here in AL and happened to check your happy for your new blessing! Congrats to all!

  5. Cora, I'm so happy to hear about your wonderful news! What a blessing to look forward to! Hopefully, some of those other bedrooms in your daughter's new house will be filled with baby-ness sometime in the future, and one of them, of course, should be ready for lots of visits from doting grandparents. :)

    So happy for you and your family!

  6. Hi Cora

    So glad to hear from you and with such wonderful news. I'll keep everyone in my prayers.


  7. so glad to see you blogging again... and excited to hear more about baby Isabella!

  8. Its SO good to have you back! And congrats to all of you on your sweet baby girl!!! I bet you are so excited! I will keep them in my prayers and look forward to all the sweet baby pictures to come in August!!!!!!


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