Monday, April 11, 2011

Life is Simply Good

A lazy Sunday afternoon led to a busy Monday. One where I…
Picked more peas before the sun reached them from behind the tree tops
Picked more lettuce before it takes over my carrots
Did some laundry
Swept the last of the dogwood blooms from the deck, spring is gone here, it’s hot.
Shelled those fresh peas
Hiked to the mailbox
Saw the first snake this year
Found my blood pumping fast through my veins…from the brisk walk or the snake?
Find myself listening to music and the dryer
Am washing sheets
Am making the bed
Am folding towels
Had a fight with a wasp in the wren bird house
Find myself thinking of the family who lost someone
Am thinking of the two gone, so young… too young
Am reflecting,
Asking why,
And thanking Him

God blesses us all, each and every one of us,
with many blessings, yet some just take
those blessings and live as if there is no God.
What the crap?

My blessings for today include
The sun that came up
The privilege of another day
Doing my chores  *heehee*
Singing birds
Loving my daughter and the one she loves
Food that is plenty
Peace in my heart

I’m stuck on Nicholas Sparks books lately…currently reading True Believer after finishing Nights in Rodanthe which is a great book as well as a movie, each different in their own way; including the ending. I’m looking forward to watching American Idol this week after last week’s shocker elimination. Didn’t see that one coming...but hey America voted and she did lack that bit of "wow" factor!

For those of you who like bloggy give-aways…here’s a great one: Becky from Junk to Joy is having her first give-away with some really fantastic things.  Just click on the link and go visit her.  While you are there, check out her Etsy shop. You will love it. …Ahhh for the love of junk!  Click on this photo:

Life is poetic and graceful

  Enjoy it fully
 And remember to thank the One who gave it to you


  1. I loved your day..until you ran into the snake!!! Love your header too :D

  2. I love how you write, Cora! And I agree that life is so good!! That is my motto! You can't stay down if you really believe it!! Our days are so full of blessings...if we'd but count them! Like you, I count all I can...Lord knows...I am sooo thankful for every one of them!

    Thanks so much for promoting my giveaway! You're a dear and that means so much!! I had such a great time putting it together!

    Have a joyful week, gal!

  3. You picked peas? That means you've grown peas! Oh how I wish I could grow peas. I just don't seem to have any success growing them though :/

  4. I enjoyed your list..sounds like my day and there is such satisfaction in the little things...God allowed me to breath today, we survived the horrible storm last night..yes even in the trials life is good!

  5. sounds so lovely! can't wait to see you in 31 days. save some veggies for us :)

  6. I had to smile at Hollys comment, counting down the days until she will be home with you. I love the relationship you have with your daughter. have a great week Cora and yes we do have lots to be thankful for. hugs.

  7. Cora~Lovely simple day.That's what's important the little blessings.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  8. Nights at Rodanthe is the only one i have read of his, i enjoyed it though.

    i loved following your day.

  9. G'morn Cora ... how blessed we are each day, to only recognize each one as they come our way ... beautiful day, minus the 'critter'.

    Lovely share ...

    Have a beautiful day ~
    TTFN ~

  10. Love you list you form here - O how I'd love to eat a bowl full of fresh peas. For years now I have been saying "Life is Good and we are Blessed" even with a surprises of a snake -- I have had a blow-snake surprise me because it looks like a rattlesnake.. talk about ones heart speeding up - wink! Have a super blessed Day!

  11. Hi Cora! I love this post. When you list the everyday things that you did, it makes them seem special, not just mundane chores. Each one becomes a little blessing in the day and a reason to be thankful. Thank you for reminding me of this for I have forgotten.

    p.s. Should be a good elmination show tonight on Idol, don't you think? :)

  12. Hey Cora.. great post..
    our day is Perspective,,, isnt it..
    we can choose Satans favorite and put our mind on all we dont have and all we lack,, or we can have the mind set Jesus wants for us..
    to love the day he gave us which includes all the little and big blessing intwinded in it..
    from the Sun coming up, to the Sun going down..
    great post..
    xoxo have a great weekend..

  13. Your days seem a lot like mine. We are busy with the garden and killing spiders on the deck. Our Spring is gone as well. It's hot!

    Loved reading this.
    I hope you have a beautiful day.

  14. Oh I love Nicholas Sparks. Haven't read True Believer yet...


  15. i'm glad life is good and that you avoided the snake and wasp the best you could. and i totally agree about pia though i'm very sad about paul.

  16. Yikes on the snake! We had a snake skin on our pool cover. Just now cleaning it out and haven't found the snake... yet.

    "What the crap?" Haha, that cracked me up! But yes, I agree with you!

    I bet those peas are delicious! Enjoy them. =]


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