Monday, March 14, 2011

He Answered…

I prayed….everyday for months without ceasing; day in and day out. Dear Lord You know the desires of my heart. You know what I want and I know You hear me and listen to every word. I cling to hope on the promises You gave us long ago. Every reason I can think of makes sense…it is right for everyone concerned; it’s all stacked in the right order. . I have confidence that You hear every plea in my prayer. It makes perfect sense. "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts".  Psalm 139:23 KJV
I have made my requests known to You. I trust You. I know that You will answer. I believe You know what is best. You will give the right answer. I have a peace about it.

Just as an earthly father listens to his children, God hears the prayers of His children.

The answer You me gave was "NO".
That answer was not the desire of my heart. It was the wrong answer. No…not there, its too far away. You did not listen or either I did not make myself clear. Why have You squashed this dream? The plans, hopes and dreams I had cannot be fulfilled now. I prayed with faith…believing that You would give me the right answer. My answer…the one I wanted to hear. Why? I am trying to wrap my thoughts around this answer and understand it. Doubts are lingering and making me question Your answer. It was not suppose to happen like this. My thoughts have joined the pity party with the devil and his crew. The whys…the its-not-fair, the no-not-there, the no-that-was-not-it, the You-didn’t-listen…You-misunderstood-me ideas came rushing in. The tears of disappointment rained on my party, they flooded my judgment. Why did you say NO? I was so sure and my request made perfect sense. Anger clouded my faith to the point I was dancing with the devil. I labored in doubt and lost my peace. You had let me down. I became temporarily drunk on doubt and blinded by misguided thoughts. The party with the devil was in full blown form.

It was only after kicking the devil out on his butt and slamming the door in his face, that I regained my faith and spun those thoughts around in my head again. He made me question my faith and placed a doubting question on my belief in prayer.
I hate that…

I know that God promised to cause all things to work together for our good. (Romans 8:28). I found my inner strength again through You.  Jesus, I know You never make mistakes, Your timing is always perfect and there is a good reason why You answered this prayer with Your will in mind.  I now understand that my request was self-centered and self serving. Your answer was not what I wanted but what Your will had to be. You always know what is best…Your plans are perfect and I must trust and go in faith with the answer You provided. What I do with that opportunity is up to my free will. You answered my plea…it was not the answer I was hoping for because it was my plan, my desire, my hope, my dream, my belief, my will……..mine……not Yours!
I was wrong.
It was not what I wanted but what was needed. "The will of God will never take you to where the grace of God will not protect you". I understand this and know this to be true and right.

I now also understand why Your answer was the right one all along. It is the best for everyone. I have a renewed faith through seeing things in a different light. It is all coming together in bits and pieces. It is Your best laid plan and the evil one needs to stay out of it, and out of my head. He caused my temporary lack of faith in You. How ashamed I am for that… I should have never doubted you and went to that party. Please forgive me. You have opened my heart. These doubts and questions will cause me to trust You even more especially with the unknown. Though no one has perfect faith I will grow stronger in mine through every life experience as I walk with You. Thank You.

I prayed …You listened ~ You heard…You answered.
It was the right answer.

"Faith grows by being exercised, and faith is not exercised
when we receive everything we want or think we need."
~ Graham Pockett

I began pondering and writing this post over a week ago. The days following its inception held a terrible tragedy for my family and our city. The questions, the hurt, the heartache and the pain of that go somewhat hand in hand with this post, but were neither the original prayer request nor the reason for my writing…This tragedy made my prior prayers and requests seem insignificant and small at this time. I have learned that no matter the request you have with God…it is not insignificant in any way. He listens to all of our prayers, considers them all, and answers them all…with the RIGHT answer. We are His children; He loves us all and wants us to trust Him with His will, not ours.
Standing in line for hours last week to speak to grieving family members gave me a renewed insight to prayer. A family member that did not know me from Adam’s house cat…thanked me for coming and told me to continue to pray for them.  I assured her that I had been and would definitely continue to do so. She responded with this: "I know you have been or we would not have been able to stand here and do this tonight".
God blesses with the strength and courage to endure and persevere.

Now I hope to beat the dust off my camera and get busy!
Thanks for listening...


  1. Great Post sweetie! Sometimes the answer is not what we want but what he wants.I'm stubborn in my will too but we have to learn to trust he always has a plan.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  2. I learned some time ago that God does answer all our prayers and yes, some time the answer is no. The hardest part is accepting that. Wonderful post! Bright blessings!

  3. So glad you got the victory over the devil and your faith is restored!
    God bless

  4. Beautifully put. What a great read!
    My oldest son was told "NO" about a month ago..and we are still heartbroken about it, but at the same time, we are keeping our trust in God..that He will show us the good in His answer..which we all know that He will.
    Thank you for this post. It helps!

  5. Hi Cora, It's so nice to meet you!
    Isn't our Lord amazing? I truly appreciate your story...sounds just like some things I have experienced, and I, too, come back to the same was the right answer all along!! He is sooo good to us silly sheep!

    I am sooo sorry to hear about Brittany and Shep. I will be praying for their family, and all affected by this tragedy.

    I did notice that you said "our" Miss Ozark. Do you live in Ozark?
    My hubby was an Army helicopter pilot and we lived in Enterprise, and we LOVE it up there! As a matter of fact, we really consider that area to be our home, even though we have lived in Florida most of our 32 years of marriage.

    We will, more than likely, head up that way when he retires!! WOOHOO!!

    OK! I'll stop rambling...
    Praying sweet blessings for you today,

  6. Oh and I love your blog!!

  7. Beautifully put! How I struggle when the answer is "no", and my faith is shaken. But yet, we later see why there was a "no", and God brings us to Gold. :)

  8. Big Hug to you Cora, wonderful post, so glad you have found some peace. hugs.

  9. i am sending you lots of hugs my friend. have a comforting week filled with prayers.

  10. What a wonderful, uplifting post! I'm a new follower.

  11. Hi Cora

    Yes, sometimes no is a hard pill to swallow. Glad that you came understand and believe in his answer.

    Gentle Hugs coming your way!

  12. It's Gods will not ours. It's hard to remember that and trust that during times of sorrow. Praying. Love you!

  13. Cora.. your post reminded me of a devotional I read every morning called Jesus Calling..this is what it said....
    Save your best striving for seeking my face. I am constantly communicating with you. to find me and hear my voice, you must see my above all else. Anything that you desire more than Me becomes an idol. When you are determined to get your own way, you blot me out of your consciouness. Instead of single~mindely pursuing some goal, talk with me about it. Let the ligt of my perspetive shine on this pursuit, so that you can see it from my perspective, If the goal fits into MY plans for you, I will help you reach it, If it is contrary to MY will for you, I will gradually change the desires of your heart, Seek ME first and foremost and thent he rest of your life will fall into place, piece by piece..
    1 Chronicles16:11/ Matthew 6:33

    Sorry didnt mean to write a book,,but thought this might help your confirmation of Gods choice..

  14. A great post I needed to read today. It has been a tough day today and this is what I needed to hear. Thanks Cora

  15. Dear Cora, You cannot imagine how your words were exactly what I needed today. I was just talking with a dear friend yesterday,about why God does not answer a desire of my heart. Finding your blog today, has been an answer from God, I truly believe, to help me understand that my prayer was answered. Just not as I would have chosen, but what must be the best for me. I must remember that He sees the big picture, while I just see a tiny spot. I am praying for you and the family of your friends as you all walk through this most difficult time.

  16. that lesson sometimes hard to accept. i know that too.



  17. Cora I just finished reading your latest blog message. How did you know that very thing has been on my heart? Thank you for your God given talent.

    Lori Rigsby Johnson

  18. Oh what a terrible loss. Her poor husband and baby. The unexpected losses are always so hard to understand and accept. I am so sorry for your families loss. God Bless you all during this difficult time Cora.

  19. Sorry for the loss...we have been through some of those lately and being able to understand just isn't in me. I felt your writing was like reading a modern day Psalms from David...the heart cries out and then turns to release it all to God's hand and then give Him praise for the final results.
    I am so sorry


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