Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our Wonderful News & Some Craftiness

The excitement of my daughter being pregnant brings such joy to my heart.  I almost cannot contain it!  Now the excitement has mounted with the anticipation of finding out if we are having a boy or a girl. Having heard that first heart beat early in Holly’s pregnancy was the ultimate thrill of knowing "this is real" !!  Now it’s become even more real…being able to put a persona with this baby, imagining what he or she will look like….and of course the Name they will be given!

Well the time has come and we now know…..
 A precious baby Girl!  I am totally giddy and either one would have been fine…we are just so proud of having a baby!
I have been so busy since I found out and I’m also going to be broke!  There is nothing like buying for little girls!  Pinks, ruffles, lacey, cutesy, frou-frou, and all dolled up with sweetness and charm!  I love it!

First up I made this banner for her room…
 It will probably hang from her crib. 
It involved this:
 and this
Cricut Machine Cutting 
and Papering...

And yes I cut these circles out on my daddy’s 55+ year old scroll saw…all by myself!!  Yes I did!  Well…all but the letters, they came from Hobby Lobby! They were then hand painted, papered, and put together to form this cute, if I may say so myself, banner!  From the velvet ribbon to the pearly balls and the pink tulle that holds it all in place.  
 Next up are some of the cutest baby baprons *baby apron* I have ever seen!  They are practical and so easy to sew up in no time.  This baby will not lack of a bib!  You can find the instructions here:
*click on the photo*
Here are mine so far:

This one is made from an old quilt!  Too bad it didn't have much Pink!

I have gone crazy making these and I’m not finished yet….the really cute ones are to come…these were my practice pieces!
There’s more to come in my crafty ways, when I will show you the mobile that will hang over the baby’s bed.  It matches the bedding theme and required some more scroll saw cutting, papers, sticks, wings, and flowers…..hum mm, got you wondering huh?  I will also introduce our little one to you by her name!


  1. Oh Cora, I can feel that crazy grandma-ness coming over you..and believe me it comes with every new grand child. We are waiting for our 21rst grand to be born any minute, and I am just as excited for this one as I was for the first one! Very cute things you are feathering the baby nest with! :D

  2. Oh Cora, your baby bib aprons are so cute. You sew quite well as so many of the crafty things you do so well. Can't wait to find out what her lovely name will be.
    Its so exciting that you and Libby are such good friends and that you are both expectant grammies at the same time!!

  3. Awww Cora...congratulations. I know your heart is just melting!!!

    That little girl will be one lucky little girl. To be worshiped and adored by her grandparents. Not all children are. Sad I know.

    I would walk thru fire for mine!!

    Your creativity is mine blowing...what a cute idea with the it!! Looking forward to all the adventures you and the little one get into!!

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  4. So very excited for you! I would not know if I could stop creating for a new baby. So much fun!!! Thank you for your kind words on my quilt, it meant alot to me! Blessings Nana-to-be!!!

  5. WOOHOO!!! I am thrilled for you! Speaking as one who only has grand daughters...they're the best!! :o)

    I LOVE that bapron made with the old quilt! Just delightful, Cora!

    And that banner???? Simply charming! What a lovely job you did on it!

    And you go girl rocking those power tools! I have to give a jig saw a try some time!

    Have a lovely evening!!
    Hugs to you,

  6. Girls are so fun! Those are the prettiest bib/aprons ever.I can only imagine the giddiness you feel.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  7. Adorable!!!! That is the cutest banner I have ever seen, love it! I love the little pink pearls and ribbon! Very cute and nifty idea... love the paper, the letters... great job girl. The bapron is adorable too. I love all the ones that you've made up so far... the little pocket with the button, the quilted one... so cute!!

    Can't wait to see some more craftiness. I can tell you are having much fun with this and I think that is wonderful. Enjoy!

  8. congrats cora! haven't visited for awhile, so excited to hear about your baby girl! you are going to love, love, love being a gramma!!

  9. Congratulations! That banner is amazing, although I am in no way surprised you created it. I'll let you in on a little secret, after 2 nephews and 3 nieces, the girls are MUCH more fun to shop for. For decor, clothes, toys, everything. The stuff is just plain cuter and there's a wider variety. Love the bib from an old quilt, how cool is that!

  10. So excited you are having a granddaughter! Your banner is too precious! She will be so blessed to have you for her gramma!

  11. Oh how precious Cora!! A sweet baby girl is on the way. :o) I am so happy for you! Your decorations and bibs are so cute!! You are going to have so much fun creating for this special little one!!
    Have a wonderful rest of the week.
    love, Trish

  12. Cora, I am just thrilled for you guys. I was so hoping it would be a girl. I just knew how much fun you would be having. the bibs and banner are beautiful. hugs to you dear one

  13. The bibs you made are so sweet! You will be such a good grandma!!

  14. All of your excitement and anticipation is rubbing off from this post ---- I can just feel it! I just love the banner thingy! Sooooo sweet! And the little apron bibs??? Just too cute. And never enough of those, for sure. What's next????

  15. All of your excitement and anticipation is rubbing off from this post ---- I can just feel it! I just love the banner thingy! Sooooo sweet! And the little apron bibs??? Just too cute. And never enough of those, for sure. What's next????

  16. Congratulations! Little girls are so precious and I always loved dressing mine up:>) You are going to have so much fun making her pretty things!

  17. Congrats to you Coral Girl! I'm soooo incredibly happy for you and your family. Aren't daughter's great? Grandgirls are too! A blessing from God.

    Love, Rebecca

  18. Oh congratulations to much fun is, pink, pink...every thing looks great...enjoy, enjoy
