~ The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for Him there~
George Bernard Shaw
I am most at home in my garden where it doesn’t matter if I wear make-up, my clothes don’t match, or that my shoes are dirty. The birds sing to me, the butterflies flutter by in their beauty, and a cool breeze flows by. Swoon~
Throw on you rubbers and take a walk with me through my garden…
Rows of tall green plants full of blooms and tiny pods of sweet peas…
Huge leafy broccoli plants with flowery heads begging to be cut...
Lined up green tops of onions growing and reaching toward the sky…
Bushy leaves on the bed where the potatoes sleep…
Tiny little plants growing up to make some okra…
Huge leaves connect each of the squash plants as they build a canopy for big bright yellow flowers which reveal little baby veggies…
Cucumbers trying their best to reach the fence to trellis on…
and bell pepper plants getting a fresh start, along with
some new tomato plants which I have already caged.
Along the edges are some mixed wild flowers growing
from their youth with petunias and daisies all around.
~ The best way to garden is to put on a wide-brimmed straw hat and
some old clothes. And with a hoe in one hand
and a cold drink in the other, tell someone else where to dig.
~ Texas Bix Bender
I get pleasure from my garden where I feel the sun’s warmth,
I get to dig in the dirt with my hands, and I get the delight of reaping my rewards.
I am at home in my growing space.
Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells, and cockle shells,
And pretty maids all in a row
When I don my yellow rubber ladybug shoes, with gloves on and tools in hand, I begin to cultivate my love of gardening. And when I tire and need a sit-down; the “pink” chair is my resting tool. Yes it is pink! Jackie even sits in it for a while! So…what’s on the menu for supper…baked ham, homemade mashed potatoes, fresh English peas, and sweet tea. Grab a fork and come eat with me!
~ Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint,
and the soil and sky as canvas.
~ Elizabeth Murray

Go dig in the garden and bury all your troubles…you will find peace there.
How does your garden grow?

My word for 2010-Experience
I’ve experienced growing things.
Peter Henderson Seeds and Mary Mary graphics found in Google search.
Peter Henderson Seeds and Mary Mary graphics found in Google search.
What an awesome garden already! there is nothing like fresh english peas. Yummmm
Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
I just discovered your blog from the feature on Gooseberry Patch. What a lovely blog you have. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit. Your photos are beautiful. I love to garden so I especially liked this post. I planted peas for the first time this year. They have a ways to go before they will produce peas. Lovely post.
Cora, this post is after my own heart. Beeing in the garden does the same for me. I have been putzing in the yard all week, now a storm is blowing in. I sure love what you do with your photos. I love the look, I don't know how to do that...i find them gorgeous. take care my friend.
ohhh, those sweet pea,s are looking good. ; )
i SO love these photos.
i wanted to lick my screen - so yummy
Your pictures are just dreamy. When I look at them it's as if I could touch the texture of those flowers and leaves. Just beautiful. Dinner sounds y-u-m-m-y!
oh wow. i wish i had the space to grow all that.
I feel so good when I work in my flower garden. it is so relaxing for me.. Your garden is lovely and the peas make me hungry for some.
Just starting in my garden, but I am with you; the garden is my home (in fact I wrote about it today). I'm afraid I've awited too long to plant peas and some of the early veg, but there will be tomatoes and peppers, eggplant and beans of many varieties, nasturniums and holy basil and asparagus and dill. How I love summer!
What a lovely garden!
It sounds divine! How I wish I had a little garden to grow. I will have to live vicariously through yours!
Everything looks and sounds wonderful.Wish I was close by, I love ham!!!
Enjoy your day!
I've got to admit, I'm a bit jealous of your garden. We are giving it another go here at the beach but we have never had to great a luck. The peas look and sound wonderful.
Those are the prettiest veggies I've ever seen! I'm lovin' the enamelware, too! In our part of the country it is still early season for the gardens. Only lettuce, spinach and green onions are coming up. Congratulations on the Gooseberry feature! How nice! Have a great weekend! Twyla
What a wonderful, sweet post. Nothing like being in the garden, weather it is a veggie, or flower... or better yet, both.
I'm hoping it's gonna grow a lot like yours, Cora! Beautiful early harvest! Hope our horse poo works as well as yours did!
Oh, your pictures of peas are so very pretty. I love them. I've been slacking in my bloggish neighborliness as school has been more than hectic. Now that I'm back in the swing again, I wanted to stop in and say hello. Happy spring! And happy gardening.
cheers to horse poo! I consider having a garden each year but honestly do not know how to grow anything in this desert climate. I seem to kill everything I attempt- so, I will live vicariously through your stunning images! Enjoy those peas!
I love your vegetable pictures! The peas look delicious! My favorite picture of all is the pink chair! I love how you've texturized it... it's so simple, yet so beautiful!! Your menu for this night sounds so yummy, I'm sure it was delicious.
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